Monday 11 August 2008

AI 28: OpenSimulator aims to accelerate the deployment of Virtual Worlds

The OpenSimulator Project is Virtual Worlds Server which can be used for creating and deploying 3D Virtual Environments.

It has been developed through an open-source model.

Out of the box, the OpenSimulator can be used to create a Second Life(tm) like environment, able to run in a standalone mode or connected to other OpenSimulator instances through built in cloud technology.

It can also easily be extended to produce more specialized 3D interactive applications.

OpenSimulator is written in C#, and can run under Mono or the Microsoft .NET runtimes.

Due to its clean modular nature it is possible to significantly extend functionality yourself via plug-in modules to suit your application.

OpenSimulator is currently considered to be alpha level code (please refer to AI 27).

OpenSimulator is working with Linden Labs on Virtual World interoperability.