Monday 18 August 2008

AI 45: Demo Virtual Worlds for US $60k

Disney is developing virtual worlds that cost millions of dollars instead of hundreds of millions.

“Most people either need to sell [a virtual world] internally or need something to show investors or sponsors that will fund the development, which is usually a costly process,” explained Metaversatility Founder and CEO Peter Haik.

“We are filling that gap with a new service offering of getting a standalone virtual world up in 6-to-8 weeks on a more modest budget--between $40,000 and $60,000.”

The demo worlds are built on the Multiverse platform, and designed with standard tools and practices. If the project is picked up, the assets created for the demo can then be transferred to the final build and vice versa.
“Since it’s based on the professional tools and 3D models, they can use assets they already have,” said Haik. “Maybe building plans or other content they’ve created, because 3D is a pretty common thing. We can use some of the content, and any content we create for these worlds can be portable to other worlds because they are standard 3D models.”