Thursday 16 October 2008

AI 110 $493 million invested in Virtual Worlds so far during 2008

Virtual Worlds Management released a report today tracking the virtual worlds-related investments of Q3 2008. Over $148.5 million was invested in 12 companies, not including the undisclosed cost of one investment. That's down from Q2's $161 million invested across 15 companies and $184 million dollars in 23 virtual worlds-related companies in Q1 2008. This brings the total investment in virtual worlds-related companies so far in 2008 is over $493 million.

"Games and virtual worlds are a hit driven business. As such, you see a barbell approach to investing - lots of small early investments, and a few large investments behind established winners," commented Jeremy Liew, Managing Director at Lightspeed Venture Partners.

The bulk of investments are still being made in early-stage companies, either in stealth mode or developing.

Other venture references are AI 97, 84, 60 and 35.