Wednesday 22 October 2008

AI 121 in-game advertising reaches near to $400m and is expected to grow to $2bn by 2012

As of September 2008 the number of installed gaming consoles in the UK has reached 17.3 Million units (Source: “GfK Chart Track September 2008)

In 2007 the game advertising industry generated approximately $370 million in total revenue and is expected to grow to $2 billion by 2012, when in-game advertising will become the biggest revenue stream (Source: “Electronic Gaming in the Digital Home” © 2007 Parks Associates)

Gamers don’t seem to mind ads when they’re relevant to the world of the game. A Nielsen Games study showed that 80 percent of gamers felt games were just as fun with ads as without. And Nielsen said that consumers’ positive views of a brand increased 33 percent after viewing in-game ads for the brand.

The picture shows an in game ad using Double Fusion technology that competes with IGA Worldwide (refer to AI 120).