Thursday 11 September 2008

AI 64: More User Generated Software for Virtual World Games

As reported earlier (refer to AI 59 covering Sim Ops Studios) another company has emerged in the new market of User Generated Software for Virtual World Games.

Atmosphir is a platform that people can use to create casual games.

There’s a growing trend towards incorporating user-generated content into games, let letting users design levels, but Atmosphir’s big selling point is that its tools are really simple — basically blocks that you place in a grid.

At the same time, ti’s also incredibly open-ended; eventually, users should be able to create any kind of game they want in just a few minutes, especially as Atmosphir rolls out more theme packs.
“What happens if you take the zombie apocalypse theme pack and mix it with the 8-bit old-school pixilated them pack?” the company asks.

The platform is currently in beta testing on Macs and PCs, but Atmosphir plans to add support for videogame consoles too.